Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Matt 6:10 KJV. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt 6:33 KJV All of human history can be simply understood as the story of two kingdoms. The Kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. Kingdom big K vs. kingdom little k. There is a battle raging in a dimension beyond our sight, beyond our understanding, but nevertheless very real and of ultimate consequence. A battle for human hearts. When Christ came to this earth He ushered in His Kingdom and His dominion upon earth. The Kingdom is realized. The Kingdom is here, it is already but not yet. Instituted but not yet fully consummated. Each day we must choose; will we live for His Kingdom, His will, His glory, or our own? Will we invest our efforts, our resources, our creativity, our very lives in the Kingdom of God, or a kingdom of our own creation? An idolatrous kingdom made in our own image and not to reflect the glory of the one true King. Ascend is an amazing and unique platform for the Kingdom of God. We have the distinct privilege of investing in the Kingdom beyond the normal boundaries and man made lines that so often confine the Church. We get to see the Sprit moving in hearts and lives on a daily basis. We know our time on this earth is limited and it is our heart’s desire to daily die to self, take up our cross and spend every ounce of our energy on Christ’s Kingdom, preparing for Him a bride, a people set apart for His renown. And yet kingdom little k so often raises its ugly head. The temptation is always to hold what you have tightly. To be the miserly servant who buries his talents in the ground. The wilderness experience has an incredible ability to bring this all into perspective. When all the material trappings of our lives are stripped away and we are surrounded by Creation, the Kingdom tends to snap into sharp focus and we clearly see what’s important. ​ Please pray for us as we daily endeavor to spend our lives for the Kingdom and lead others to do the same.