24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 12:24-25 NIV I love spring time! A few days ago my wife and I were hiking a familiar trail around a local lake where we host our yearly trail race. Last time I was there a few months ago everything was dead and brown, but what a difference a change of seasons makes! The forest was bursting with color, sound and fragrance as plants that had been dormant for months were now clothed in rich bright green hues. Violet, magenta, and gold flowers graced the now carpeted forest floor. Bees and butterflies buzzed everywhere eager to taste the succulent nectar that gave off a delicious scent permeating the air. What once seemed old and dead, now appeared brand new and pulsing with life! In the book of John, Jesus tells us that a kernel of wheat must fall to the ground and die before it may be re-born and bear great fruit. He was of course speaking of His upcoming death, burial, and resurrection that would ransom all those who would follow Him, and usher them into the glorious Kingdom of God. I believe He was also speaking of a less obvious cycle of death, burial and resurrection that we must all experience. Life comes with ups and downs, seasons of pain and sorrow, as well as times of joy and rejoicing. Through it all we can be confident that if we lose our lives in the pursuit of Jesus we will ultimately gain them in the end, and our difficulties will bear much fruit. This Easter season, may nature remind you of the timeless story of the one who suffered and died for your sins and paid the debt you could not pay. May you also remember that He did not stay in the grave; He rose again to pave the way for us to one day rise as well. Through faith in Him, we can know that no matter how difficult things may seem, there is coming a day when all sorrow and pain shall cease, and life, joy, and peace shall rein eternal. ​He is risen!